I used this app in Apr 2013-Mar 2014, and it really helped me to start reading my bible regularly. I could see how much I was behind as well as how good it felt to check off more than one days worth of reading. I actually finished the Bible in less than a year, largely thanks to this app.
Im about to do the one year plan again, so I went back on the app to find that many of the reviewers suggestions actually were used in the updated app! So thank you for that little perk (you just saved me from doing so much more math).
I would recommend this app to anyone; especially to those who have trouble keeping track of what they have/have not read.
Even if it takes you 3+ years to read the entire bible (basically a chapter a day), that is still so worth it-- I mean, youre probably going to be alive for longer than that, so putting in the time now is an investment that will be help you for the rest of your life-- guaranteed.
SurprisedStudent about Bible One Year